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Appreciating the Teaching Profession

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

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The recent passing of an old friend, Ellen Press, made me realize that it was my relationship with her and her family that inspired me to become a teacher.

My grandparents were best friends with Ellen's grandparents. They met in Bayonne, New Jersey when they were young newlyweds. They celebrated every occasion together and my parents were close to her parents and aunt and uncle. From grades 5-8 I spent every Friday night at a "sleep over" at Ellen's house. We went to different elementary schools but I would ride the bus to her home right after school.

Mildred Press, Ellen's mother, was an elementary school teacher. She would come home and talk about her week at school and the students she loved to teach. She would share her students' work assignments with us and sometimes she'd even let us grade spelling tests! I loved listening to her stories and knew at an early age that I wanted to help children learn.

I was lucky to have a family friend who served as a positive role model for me and I never regretted my decision to become an educator. Whether in the classroom or working in an administrative capacity, I always looked forward to going to work each day and relished the positive influence I could have on children. Although retired, I'm still impacting students and teachers through the "Don't Be That KID!" Series. I feel so fortunate to have that opportunity!

May is Teacher Appreciation Month. Teachers make a significant impact on our lives. It is such a meaningful profession! Think about those teachers who made a positive difference in your life. We're so lucky they chose to teach!

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