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Getting Organized

Sunday, May 10, 2020

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Did you know that May 10th is National Cleanup Your Room Day?

The tradition of spring cleaning dates back to when people relied on fireplaces to light and heat their homes in winter. Soot and ashes would accumulate in not well-ventilated homes. On the first nice weather day, the entire family would scrub the walls, beat the rugs and clean the house top to bottom.

In the past few months, people have realized the importance of cleanliness because of Coronavirus. We now know the value of washing our hands and disinfecting much used surfaces. It will be a natural extension to keep our entire homes, office and cars cleaner and neater moving forward.

There's a scene in "Don't Be That KID! At Home" where Mom is standing at our KID's bedroom door with her hands on her hips gazing at his very messy room. It's a perfect time to discuss the importance of organization and cleanliness. "What does our KID have to do to get there?"

May 10th is also Mother's Day this year. What a great gift it would be if children straightened up their rooms as a surprise for Mom!

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