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Helping To Improve School Behavior

Thursday, January 18, 2018

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Being bullied can threaten a student's physical and emotional wellbeing. It has been shown to negatively impact a students ability to learn and can carry over into all aspects of a child's life.

I was honored to be asked to provide Behavior Assemblies at Rivers Edge Elementary School this month. The Education Foundation of St. Lucie County funded the presentations as well as providing "Don't Be That KID! At School" books and the "Don't Be That KID! At School Resource Guide" for every classroom teacher.

The assemblies focused on understanding feelings in grades K-1; improving listening skills in grades 2-3; taking responsibility for your actions in grade 4; and having the courage to help others in grade 5. One of the activities I conducted is called "How Do You Want To Be Remembered?" Students were asked to write down a positive memory and a negative memory they have. They were asked to think about their own place in others' memories and were asked to think about how they would like to be remembered. They answered a simple question: "In the future, what two adjectives describe how you would like to be remembered?" Then they were asked to respond to "What changes do you need to make so people will remember you the way you want them to?"

I conducted the activity with 4th graders. However, it is a thoughtful exercise for people of any age. After all, no one wants to be told: "Don't Be That KID!"

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