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Hopes for 2020

Sunday, January 12, 2020

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I retrieved the mail last week and there was a letter addressed to me in my own handwriting. I thought it was strange and quickly opened the envelope. This is what I found:

Dear Lois:

I hope 2019 brought good health to you and Jimmy as well as our loved ones. After all, without good health, everything else is meaningless. I hope 2019 was a successful one for the "Don't Be That KID!" Series. You care so much about the importance of helping children learn about honesty, respect, responsibility, kindness! I hope the books have reached more people throughout the United States. I hope 2019 was a fun year with all of our friends and family and that we shared milestones, joys and helping others.

Love, Lois

And then I remembered. At the January Polka-Dot Powerhouse Luncheon, our Director asked each one of us to write a letter filled with our hopes for 2019. We then addressed an envelope to ourselves. I had forgotten all about it! What a great surprise!

This is such a wonderful activity to do with your family or friends. It gives them an opportunity to think about their hopes for the new year. And then they'll get a nice surprise in January 2021!

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